Morgan-Lea’s Foyer journey

When Morgan-Lea arrived at Bridge Foyer she embarked on a journey of personal change. Through her determination and support from staff she overcame challenges and made progress on her goals. 

“When I first arrived at the Foyer I was in a really dark place. With the help and support from all the staff, and reconnecting with my GP, I managed to get myself into a really good place.”

One of her proudest moments was starting a part-time job, ‘which has been a huge achievement.’ Morgan-Lea also became an ambassador in the Foyer, enabling her to champion the voices of other residents and inspiring them to get involved. Beyond the Foyer, Morgan-Lea actively engaged in the Youth Power Fund and in Talent Bonds panels, growing the positive impact within her community. Ella, who worked with Morgan-Lea closely, said:

“Morgan-Lea was a joy to work with! She was an integral part of several funding decision making panels as a Young Consultant, as well as engaging in our Power Pioneer's programme. She should be super proud of her achievements” - Ella, Programme and Learning Manager, The Foyer Federation

Her commitment to overcome challenges and make progress on her goals contributed to being ready to move-on into independent housing. However, Morgan-Lea faced some financial hurdles which led her to apply to our Moving On Up Fund. Morgan-Lea was successfully awarded £1000 to equip her flat with necessary items to make it a comfortable living space. In her own words:  

“I was able to use the Moving On Up Fund to get myself my flooring in my flat which helped me use the money I had been saving to go towards furniture as I was unable to get help from the government for my white goods. It really did take a massive weight off my shoulders and the money paid for the majority of rooms in my new place.”

Thanks to Morgan-Lea for sharing her inspiring story with us!

 “Morgan has been on quite a journey since arriving at the Foyer. We are all very proud of everything she has achieved.” Bridge Foyer 

The Foyer Federation is registered in England and Wales under company number 2699839 at Work.Life, Core Building, 30 Brown Street, Manchester, M2 1DH. The charity is registered under charity number 1040482.
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